In business, you may find yourself caring a lot more about work than you maybe would’ve previously thought. As important as it is to care about your endeavours, it’s even more crucial to be rather than do. Being in the moment and not always focused on doing is essential to creating balance within ourselves and allows us to be the best person we can be to run a successful business.

As hard a concept it may be to grasp and although you may be constantly told that hard work pays off, it’s just as productive to be. You may be thinking, I know what I want to do but how do I just be in the moment? You may find activities that connect you to your feelings, can help you learn how to live in the moment.

Engage your beingness 

If you wish to be in the moment, try and create a list of things you find most comforting. By creating a list of things that bring you joy and peace, your mind will be able to take a break from overpowering thoughts.

We’re going to give you a list of activities that you could try to help train you to live more in the moment.

  • Taking a long walk and soaking up the environment.
  • Enjoy a hot bath with your favourite relaxing music in the background. 
  • Read a book or watch a movie.
  • Talk with friends and family.
  • Try and watch the sunset or the sunrise.
  • Watch a fire or candles flicker.
  • Listen to the birds chirping outside.
  • Give or receive a hug.
  • Listen to a podcast that doesn’t relate too much to work.
  • Listen to soothing music.

If you take the time for any of these comforting activities, you will be able to live in the moment and you may find that you feel more balanced and less all over the place. Once you become accustomed to being in the moment, you should be able to find this second nature and even enjoyable.

Being in the moment in business

Applying the process of being rather than doing, especially in business, can be highly beneficial not just for you but your employees too. Managing employees or staff from a place of being will allow your business to flow and result in you being the best you for your business. Although it may seem that it’s important to work as if it doesn’t matter, it’s even more important to play as if it doesn’t matter also.

If you need help with your business why don’t you try attending one of our highly beneficial events?