If you’re a business owner, you may have noticed that you either pay the price of discipline or the price of regret. Sadly, we pay these prices in all areas, whether that be our careers, relationships, health, spiritual development and even our financial affairs. However, many of us seem to be unable to comprehend this simple law of life. Why? These laws that apply to all of our life issues, such as discipline, commitment and patience, either help us to live with freedom, peace and harmony or failure, regrets and misfortune. But, much of the latter can easily be avoided if we can integrate this one simple thing into our lives.
Daily discipline
We can identify the price of discipline through daily exercise, our eating habits or our relationship strategies like honest and open communication. The absence of these daily disciplines can accumulate day by day and soon enough you’ll find yourself with long term consequences for missing out on these disciplines in your everyday life.
Let’s face it, we’ve all had many experiences where the lack of daily discipline comes back to haunt us. But it is here where we learn that through these experiences, no one is immune to this truth. Arrogance, ignorance or both of these traits give no valid excuse as to why you lack daily discipline. Ultimately, you should keep in mind that daily discipline weighs a lot less in comparison to the load of life, but life-long regrets can easily weigh much more.
Remember: The sweat of discipline and sacrifice is nothing compared to pain and regret.
Here are some ways you may be able to figure out whether you are in fact neglecting discipline:
- Your persistent inner voice telling you to change something.
- Family, friends or peers trying to tell you something.
- Look back at your life and decide whether you feel some sort of regret. Are you repeating these behaviours today?
- Tune in, whether this is to issues, demands or expectations. Are you hearing these or are you ignoring them?
To ensure you continue to learn from your mistakes and balance your disciplines, ask yourself these simple questions.
- What can I learn from this?
- What can I change?
- What can I keep the same?
- What price will I have to pay to experience or achieve this goal?
- Will it be worth the cost?
- Am I prepared to pay it?
Then you should think to yourself, where do I go from here?
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