Discipline and regret are two common things we tend to pay the price for a lot in life. Whether we pay the price in our careers, relationships or health, discipline and regret are usually to blame. However, many people fail to comprehend why this is. Discipline, commitment, patience, integrity, self-control or focus, either help us to live life successfully or cause heartache, failure, regrets and even misfortune. But, the latter can be avoided if we understand and accept the simple truth that a daily dose of discipline is good for us. The absence of small disciplines like exercise, honest communication, relationship strategies etc, cause long term consequences and misdeeds.

The load of life

Let’s face it, many of us have had that one day where a lack of discipline comes back to haunt us. Through these trials and tribulations, some of us have realised that no one is immune to the truth. Arrogance, ignorance or even a combination of both are not a valid excuse as to why discipline is haunting you. In fact, daily discipline weighs mere ounces in the load of life, whereas life-long regrets can weigh tonnes in retrospect. Ultimately, the sacrifice of discipline is nothing compared to the pain and regret of inaction.

A great way to determine what you’re actually paying the price for is to:

  • Pay attention to any persistent inner voices that urge you to change something.
  • Listen to everyone around you: family, friends and peers at work. Are they trying to tell you something?
  • Look at past areas of your past life for which you feel regretful. Are you repeating old behaviours?
  • Tune into life and notice any signals and messages you may be receiving. Are you listening to them?

What next?

Once you’ve figured this stage out, try and think about what you can learn from this and what could you change? 

If you need help bringing more discipline into your life, contact ActionCOACH today!